Ah, this isn't working. Please disregard the previous paragraph. It was my feeble attempt at what the web people call "viral marketing". You know, you post something on a blog or a forum that's supposed to look innocent and unrehearsed, but which is actually a cleverly disguised advertisement. Well, I can't do it. I'm just too honest.
So instead I'd like to announce that I've started a new blog called Fiddle News which can be found at www.fiddlenews.com. It's not a blog like this one, but a real blog - what's called a "link farm" or something like that (I'm not too hip to all this Web 2.0 stuff quite yet). Basically, since I like to surf around for interesting violinist stories, I thought I might as well post what I find to a blog somewhere, hence Fiddle News.
It's nothing heavy. Just a short paragraph and a link or two to an interview or review or something like that about a well-known violinist. I was taking a look at it and I think it's a nice, breezy little browse. Something you can come back to every now and then if you're interested in that sort of thing. I can't claim it's comprehensive because there are probably a couple hundred thousand violinists in the world, but it covers most of the major ones - at least those that are known to most U.S. audiences.
So there you have it. I'll still be here at Dead Cat blogging as usual, baring my soul to an uncaring world. Fiddle News is more of sideline sort of thing, but I think it'll be fun. I just started it on Saturday so there's still a lot of work to do, but if you feel like it why don't you check it out.

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