I couldn't believe it when I opened my inbox tonight. Geez, someone thought Fiddlenews was important enough to merit an actual press release. I couldn't believe it, and let me just say to my fellow journalist's - the Jim Lehrer's and William Safire's (can I call you Bill) and Maria Bartiromo's of the world - let me just say that I take my journalistic responsibilities seriously and am proud to call you my colleagues. I do have one question though. Can we still wear our press passes in our hatbands or is that considered passé?
Anyways, it's an awesome responsibility that's been placed on my shoulders, and I just want to remind all the musical artists out there that I'm with the press now, and I can make you or break you. Keep that in mind.
No, I'm just kidding. The next step is the book deal, I guess. That'll be cool. Probably have to do a book tour and appear on some of the talk shows and things like that. Hey, maybe I'll be on Fresh Air. Wow, that would really be cool.
TG: Tony Myers, welcome. Why did you decide to start Fiddlenews?
TM: Well Terry, it was a story that needed to be told. More than that, though, I just felt it was important to show the world that one blog can make a difference. That's been my mission and it's all there in the book. The corruption, the greed, the incompetence, the double-dealing, the cruel ambition, the abuse of the public trust, the behind-the-scenes scandals that have rocked the classical music world. I don't hold anything back.
TG: Don't you fear for your life? It must be very dangerous to be doing what you're doing.
TM: My life is unimportant, Terry. What matters is the truth. The people deserve that, and I don't really stop to consider the risk. I'm a professional.
TG: May I just say that I admire your courage and am humbled by your honesty and dedication.
TM: Thank you, but I don't do this for the laurels or the accolades. I do it for the people.
TG: Well, Tony Myers it's such an honor for me to talk to you today.
TM: Thanks for having me.
And that's the way it is. Look for more postings over at Fiddlenews, and until next time Good Night, and Good Luck.
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