Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Joy, Fun, Seasons in the (blistering) Sun

Keeping in mind songwriter Steve Goodman's admonition that "It ain't hard to live with somebody else's troubles", let me just say that it's been hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, HOT around here. Yeah, I know nobody cares and besides, it's been hot everywhere this summer, but this is my blog and I'll whine about the weather if I want to.

Truth is, when it's this crazy hot all you can think about is the heat. War, famine, economic collapse -- geez, those things can wait. Right now all I care about is a cool breeze. Unfortunately it's been about 2 weeks since we've had one of those, and the way I see it at this point only one of two things is going to happen. Either this heat wave is going to break or the sun is going to run out of hydrogen, and since this heat wave seems intent on staying put I'm placing my money on the sun.

So how hot is it I hear the blogosphere asking. Well, today we finally got a bit of a cooldown here in San Jose as the temperature dropped below the triple digits, that's how hot it is. Of course people are talking about global warming and I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I always thought global warming was about the glaciers melting and sea levels rising and all that sort of thing. I don't recall them mentioning that the famous Bay Area fog bank was going to go away or that California was going to become Arizona. And you know what? When you get right down to it I don't want to live in Phoenix, and I resent not having a say in the matter. But that's what's happened. Looks like Mohammad wouldn't go to the mountain so the mountain...well, you know the rest.

Anyways, what else is going on. Let's see. Seems Israel and Lebannon...aw forget about it. It's too hot to blog. On the weather report last night they showed satellite photos of a big bank of fog just sitting there off the coast of California and poised for an inland push that would bring cool relief to the millions of sweltering but appreciative Bay Areans. And there it is, all that fog, just SITTING THERE! NOT MOVING!!! It's cruel, like showing a glass of water to thirsty man and then dangling it just outside his reach. Not even nature can be that cruel, can it? No, of course not. The fog should get here before too long and even tonight, as I sit outside and tap away on my computer, I can feel just the faintest hint of breeze push over my arms and along the back of my neck. Oh, if only I could fall asleep and wake to a cold fog streaming through the Golden Gate, putting a nasty chill into my bones.


Maybe by this weekend. Until then we bake, and if this is that global warming thing that everyone is talking about then I just wish that Al Gore or whoever is responsible would stop it. I got to get some sleep, man.

Oh, and about all this stuff happening in the Middle East. I think what we need to do to get this situation solved is send over Sharron Angle. Who's she? ? Well, she's running for Congress over in Nevada and I happened to catch one of her TV ads when I was up at Lake Tahoe. It wasn't really much of an ad until the very end where she promised that if elected she will "Stop the terrorists." Yeah, that's her campaign promise. She even put it up on the screen so everyone could see it. Elect Sharron Angle and she'll stop the terrorists.

Whew. I'm glad that problem's solved.

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