I realize that some of you out-of-towners probably still think of the Haight-Ashbury District as hippie heaven, no doubt recalling those halcyon days 40 years ago when the people were groovy and there was LSD and free love and flowers in her hair and flowers everywhere, and it's true that they did have a "summer of love" there once, but it was short-lived and a long time ago. Now I'd say the Haight is known more for it's street people and drug addicts than anything else.
Not being a drug addict myself, the Haight isn't a part of S.F. I get to very often, and tonight was quite an eye-opener for me. San Jose may have it's drunks and it's street toughs, but we don't have junkies and speed freaks hanging out on street corners and hustling up passers-by for spare change. I met quite a few of those tonight, and I know you find desperate people in most big cities, but not so much in San Jose (or maybe I'm just not hanging out in the right places.)
Anyways, I'm not one to judge. Well, no, that's not true. I judge all the time; I think everybody does. Maybe I should say I'm not one to pass judgement, and I certainly don't have all the answers to the world's problems
So there I was down in the Haight at a place called Amoeba Records, and right around 7 o'clock or so Hilary Hahn showed up to play a little recital. She played some Bach and some Paganini and some Spohr (which she not only played but sang as well!) and some Schubert (I think) and some Ysaye to finish things off. Wonderful stuff, folks, and if you were in the City last night and didn't make it out to Amoeba Records then you missed hearing one of the world's truly gifted musicians. That's not hyperbole either - just read the reviews.
What's most amazing of all, though, is just how young she is. It seems like she's been making CD's forever and yet when she got out on that little stage she seemed so, well...young. Frankly, it's a little disheartening to see someone so accomplished at such a young age. Makes me feel like "what have I been doing with my life all these years?", and at the same time hoping that she'll never grow into a geezer like most of the folks in her audience tonight. Yeah, I know we all get older, but may she stay forever young. (I seem to be quoting a lot of Dylan tonight.) All in all it's been kind of a bittersweet night for me.
Oh well, one last little sidenote. After the mini-recital HH was off to play a gig with the rock band And You Will Know Us By The Trail of The Dead, and tomorrow she'll be playing Korngold with the SF Symphony (no word yet if she'll be singing at that show, although the "Marietta's Lied" from Die Tote und Stadt is quite lovely). She's kickin' it in the Haight one minute, then rockin' out the next, and then wowing the crowds at Davies Symphony Hall the next.
I tell you, that girl's got this town wired.
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