Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Oh The Wayward Wind

Greetings from Salt Lake City, the, uh...I don't know, salt capital of the world? The dust and wind capital of the world? The crud on your windshield capital of the world? It must have some kind of nickname. Let me Google it. Hang on, just a minute...

Welcome to Salt Lake City, the "crossroads of the west". I suppose that means that of all the places where roads cross, this is westernmost, but I'm a bit skeptical. It's where a couple of roads cross, but there's nothing particularly western about them. I suppose the nickname has more to do with the completion of the transcontinental railroad at Promontory, Utah back in 1869. In that case it's not really a crossroads at all, is it? It's more of a junction, but who wants to be known as the junction of the west? Just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Anyways, here I am in the Beehive State and as of this hour I haven't seen nary a bee nor hive. I've seen sand, mountains, and a few Mormons, but bees have been peculiarly scarce. Why am I here you ask? Of all the places a person could be why would he want to be in Salt Lake City? Because, dear reader, once again I have felt a restiveness invading my soul and have decided to gas up my car and go for a drive. A long drive, as it turns out, with no particular destination in mind nor any timetable to meet.

If you think this confirms that I've finally gone off the deep end let me assure you that I went off the deep end long ago, and let me also add that this is not the first time I've gone for a long drive, nor, as it turns out, am I the only one who likes to do it. It seems that Sean Penn, the movie actor, also likes to take long drives, and we all know how balanced and well-adjusted he is.

But who needs a reason? I just like the freedom of getting in my car and going, and have taken many long drives back and forth across the U.S. and Canada. I know some people get bored in the car, but not me. When you fly someplace you always know where you're going and when you're going to get there and when you have to come back, but on a car trip you're not always sure where you're going or how long it will take getting there or when, if ever, you'll feel like returning. You could go north, you could go south, or, like me, you could just go east and wander around for a while.

And that's why I'm in Salt Lake City--The crossroads of the west.

I brought my camera but haven't taken any pictures yet. If you've ever driven across northern Nevada and western Utah you'd know why. I mean, c'mon, sand is sand and sagebrush is sagebrush. What's to see? Tomorrow I think I'll head north, though, up towards Glacier and Yellowstone and that area and maybe post a few shots from up there. Or I could go east towards Wyoming and Nebraska.

But then I've been to Nebraska. I think I'll head north.

Other than that it's been a pretty uneventful trip so far. Reno is Reno, Winemucca is Winemucca and Elko is...actually, my uncle Gaery used to own some property in Elko back in the late 60's or early 70's. My family all thought he was crazy because back then Elko was just a little spot in the middle of nowhere with a couple of gas stations, some motels and restaurants, and a bawdy house down by the railroad tracks. Not exactly a prime location, but he was sure it was going to pay off someday.

Unfortunately, Uncle Gaery died around 1974 and I don't know what happened to the property. I'm sure it went to somebody in the family and they probably sold it. Too bad if they did because I couldn't believe how much it's grown since the last time I saw it. They've got shopping centers and a Walmart and new houses built up on the hill and new roads and it's just unbelievable how much the place has changed. I think he only paid a couple of thousand for the property and now it must be worth a hundred times that. Guess he wasn't so crazy after all, and if someone in the family does still hold the Deed then I hope they don't realize what it's worth and remember me in their will.

Well, that's all I have for tonight and wasn't this a boring post. "What I did over my summer vacation." Sheesh, have I been reduced to that.

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